Author Topic: Eggplant suggestions  (Read 321 times)


Re: Eggplant suggestions
« on: November 14, 2018, 06:29:16 pm »
I can't give you specific restaurants. But this my trick for weeding out bad eggplant dishes: Ask your server how they make it. Is it baked, fried or both ? Do they freshly slice the eggplant or use frozen slices ? My mom taught me to make eggplant parm by thinly slicing it, salting, covering with paper towels, patting dry, frying & then baking. I stick with restaurants who prepare their eggplant that way. Avoid restaurants that use frozen eggplant; it will be too soggy. And don't settle for vague explanations like "Well, it's made in house / fresh / made daily / homemade."

I agree. I love eggplant, but I won't eat it somewhere that isn't likely to fix it regularly.